values & Beliefs

Trinity Vineyard Church is part of The Vineyard, a global association of churches. 

You can find out more about Vineyard USA, and its values & beliefs, 

by clicking on the button below. 

vineyard usa

our values

Each Vineyard church is unique to its specific context, but operates through the lens of the values below as we minister among diverse populations and in unique environments. Trinity Vineyard embraces these values as we serve to engage, transform and serve those here, near and far. You can click on the button below to learn more from the Vineyard USA website.

Partner With the Holy Spirit

We believe that God eagerly desires us to experience His presence, and then to partner with Him in His work of showing His love to the world. We believe that the Holy Spirit distributes gifts among us, enabling us to encounter God’s presence personally and corporately, and then to minister to the world around us in the power of the Spirit.

Experience and Worship God

We believe the primary place where an intimate relationship with God is nurtured and developed is in the act of worship - both private and corporate. As we worship, we become increasingly sensitive and responsive to the Spirit’s presence so that we can do as Jesus did: “See what the Father is doing,” (John 5:19) and support His work with our lives.

Reconcile People and All Creation

We seek to be diverse communities of hope that realize the power of the cross to reconcile what has been separated by sin.

Engage in Compassionate Ministry

We believe that ministry in Jesus’ name should be expressed in concrete ways through the local church.

Pursue Culturally Relevant Mission in the World

We are called to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to every nook and cranny of creation, faithfully translating the message of Jesus into language and forms that are relevant to diverse peoples and cultures.

vineyard beliefs